Firefox 30 附加组件兼容性

2014-05-28 10:07

Firefox 30 will be released on June 10th. Here’s the list of changes that went into this version
that can affect add-on compatibility. There is more information
available in Firefox 30 for Developers, so you should read that too.




  • Implement plugin whitelist. This shouldn’t have an effect for extensions in general, but it’s worth pointing out. As it was announced a while ago, most plugins will require action from the user’s side in
    order to be activated, and developers have the option to request being
    added to the plugin whitelist.
     Major plugins like Adobe Flash are already whitelisted. If you use
    plugins as part of your add-on, we strongly recommend that you move to
    other alternatives as soon as possible.



These aren’t really new developer features, but they’re a couple of
bug fixed that don’t break compatibility and you might find useful.
Please let me know in the comments if there’s anything missing or
incorrect on these lists. If your add-on breaks on Firefox 30, I’d like
to know.
The automatic compatibility validation and upgrade for add-ons on AMO
 will happen soon, so keep an eye on your email if you have an add-on
listed on our site with its compatibility set to Firefox 29.
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