Firefox 43 附加组件兼容性

2015-11-20 11:26

Firefox 43 will be released on December 15th. Here’s the list of changes that went into this version that can affect add-on compatibility. There is more information
available in Firefox 43 for Developers, so you should also give it a look.




  • This is the first version of Firefox that will enforce signing. Unsigned add-ons won’t install and will be disabled by default. There’s a preference that turns signing enforcement off (xpinstall.signatures.required in about:config), but the current plan is to drop the preference in Firefox 44.

Please let me know in the comments if there’s anything missing or incorrect on these lists. If your add-on breaks on Firefox 43, I’d like to know.
The automatic compatibility validation and upgrade for add-ons on AMO will happen in the coming weeks, so keep an eye on your email if you  have an add-on listed on our site with its compatibility set to Firefox
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