想请问如何通过设置keychanger来设置AutoClickModY.uc脚本启用或停用的快捷键? https://github.com/ywzhaiqi/userChromeJS/tree/master/AutoClickModY 以上是脚本地址 |
发布于:2015-10-27 22:02
keys['0'] = "AutoClick.iconClick(event);"把
发布于:2015-10-27 22:07
直接在脚本里指定快捷键也可以吧,在158行前面加上accesskey: 'h',试试
发布于:2015-10-28 18:49
发布于:2015-10-28 18:51
云中水:直接在脚本里指定快捷键也可以吧,在158行前面加上accesskey: 'h',试试回到原帖 请问大大哪一行是第158行啊……TAT //==UserScript== // @name AutoClickModY.uc.js // @description 榧犳爣鎮仠鎵撳紑閾炬帴锛堢珯澶栭摼鎺ラ櫎澶栵級,宸ュ叿鑿滃崟寮€鍚垨榧犳爣鎵嬪娍璋冪敤 // @author ywzhaiqi // @include main // @charset utf-8 // @version 1.2 // @downloadURL https://raw.github.com/ywzhaiqi/userChromeJS/master/AutoClickModY/AutoClickModY.uc.js // @homepageURL https://github.com/ywzhaiqi/userChromeJS/tree/master/AutoClickModY // @note 绗竴娆¢渶瑕佷粠瀹氬埗闈㈡澘涓嫋鍑� // @note 褰撴寜鐫€ Ctrl 閿椂锛屽悗鍙版墦寮€ //==/UserScript== (function(){ // 璇蜂笉瑕佸湪杩欓噷鏇存敼锛屾洿鏀瑰湪鍥炬爣鍙抽敭鎵撳紑鐨勮缃噷銆� var BUTTON_TYPE = 1, // 0锛氬湴鍧€鏍忔寜閽紝1锛氬彲绉诲姩鎸夐挳锛�2锛氳彍鍗� ENABLE = true, hovering_time = 500, // 鎮仠鐨勬椂闂达紙姣锛� clicked_elem = 'a, input, button', clicked_parent_elem = 'b, i, img, span, small, strong, em, big, sub, sup, s, font', ON_IMG = '', OFF_IMG = '' ; if (window.AutoClick) { window.AutoClick.uninit(); delete window.AutoClick; } window.AutoClick = { get prefs() { delete this.prefs; return this.prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("userChromeJS.AutoClick.") }, get BUTTON_TYPE() BUTTON_TYPE, set BUTTON_TYPE(num) { if (!this.isFirstRun && BUTTON_TYPE === num) return; BUTTON_TYPE = num; this.prefs.setIntPref('BUTTON_TYPE', BUTTON_TYPE); this.rebuildButton(); this.updateState(ENABLE); }, get enable() ENABLE, set enable(bool) { bool = !!bool; if (!this.isFirstRun && ENABLE === bool) return; this.prefs.setBoolPref('enable', ENABLE = bool); this.updateState(bool); }, get hovering_time() hovering_time, set hovering_time(num) { if (hovering_time == num) return; hovering_time = num; this.prefs.setIntPref('hovering_time', hovering_time); }, get default_prefs() { return { clicked_elem: clicked_elem, clicked_parent_elem: clicked_parent_elem } }, set clicked_elem(str) { this.clicked_elems = str.split(',').map(function(x) x.trim() ) }, set clicked_parent_elem(str) { this.clicked_parent_elems = str.split(',').map(function(x) x.trim() ) }, init: function() { this.isFirstRun = true; this.loadSetting(); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener('mouseover', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener('mouseout', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener('keydown', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener('keyup', this, false); this.prefs.addObserver('', this, false); this.isFirstRun = false; }, uninit: function() { this.removeButton(); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.removeEventListener('mouseover', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.removeEventListener('mouseout', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.removeEventListener('keydown', this, false); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.removeEventListener('keyup', this, false); this.prefs.removeObserver('', this, false); }, loadSetting: function(type) { // 杞藉叆璁剧疆骞舵墽琛岀浉搴旂殑浠诲姟 if (!type || type === 'BUTTON_TYPE') { this.BUTTON_TYPE = this.prefs.prefHasUserValue('BUTTON_TYPE') ? this.prefs.getIntPref('BUTTON_TYPE') : this.BUTTON_TYPE; } if (!type || type === 'enable') { this.enable = this.prefs.prefHasUserValue('enable') ? this.prefs.getBoolPref('enable') : this.enable; } if (!type || type === 'hovering_time') { this.hovering_time = this.prefs.prefHasUserValue('hovering_time') ? this.prefs.getIntPref('hovering_time') : this.hovering_time; } if (!type || type === 'clicked_elem') { if (this.prefs.prefHasUserValue('clicked_elem')) { this.clicked_elem = this.prefs.getCharPref('clicked_elem'); } else { this.prefs.setCharPref('clicked_elem', this.clicked_elem = clicked_elem); } } if (!type || type === 'clicked_parent_elem') { if (this.prefs.prefHasUserValue('clicked_parent_elem')) { this.clicked_parent_elem = this.prefs.getCharPref('clicked_parent_elem'); } else { this.prefs.setCharPref('clicked_parent_elem', this.clicked_parent_elem = clicked_parent_elem); } } }, removeButton: function() { if (this.menuitem) { this.menuitem.parentNode.removeChild(this.menuitem); this.menuitem = null; } if (this.button) { this.button.parentNode.removeChild(this.button); this.button = null; } if (this.style) { this.style.parentNode.removeChild(this.style); this.style = null; } }, rebuildButton: function() { this.removeButton(); if (BUTTON_TYPE === 2) { let menuitem = $C('menuitem', { id: 'AutoClick-enable-menuitem', class: 'menuitem-iconic', type: 'checkbox', autocheck: "false", checked: AutoClick.enable, tooltiptext: '鑷姩鐐瑰嚮寮€/鍏�', onclick: 'AutoClick.iconClick(event);', }); let insPos = $('devToolsSeparator'); insPos.parentNode.insertBefore(menuitem, insPos); this.menuitem = menuitem; } else { let button = $C('toolbarbutton', { id: "AutoClick-icon", class: 'toolbarbutton-1 chromeclass-toolbar-additional', tooltiptext: "鑷姩鐐瑰嚮寮€/鍏�", onclick: "AutoClick.iconClick(event);", // context: "AutoClick-popup", }); if (BUTTON_TYPE === 1) { ToolbarManager.addWidget(window, button, true); } else { $('urlbar-icons').appendChild(button); } this.button = button; let css = '\ #AutoClick-icon {\ -moz-appearance: none !important;\ border-style: none !important;\ border-radius: 0 !important;\ padding: 0 0 !important;\ margin: 0 3px !important;\ background: transparent !important;\ box-shadow: none !important;\ -moz-box-align: center !important;\ -moz-box-pack: center !important;\ min-width: 18px !important;\ min-height: 18px !important;\ width: 24px;\ }\ #AutoClick-icon > .toolbarbutton-icon {\ max-width: 18px !important;\ padding: 0 !important;\ margin: 0 !important;\ border: 0 !important;\ background-image: none !important;\ background-color: transparent !important;\ box-shadow: none !important;\ -moz-transition: none !important;\ }\ #AutoClick-icon dropmarker { display:none; }\ '; this.style = addStyle(css); } }, updateState: function(enable, isTmpDisable) { let preLabel = isTmpDisable ? '涓存椂' : '', label = 'AutoClick 宸�' + preLabel + (enable ? '鍚敤' : '鍋滅敤'); if (this.button) { this.button.style.listStyleImage = 'url(' + (enable ? ON_IMG : OFF_IMG) + ')'; this.button.setAttribute('tooltiptext', label); } else if (this.menuitem) { this.menuitem.setAttribute('checked', enable); this.menuitem.setAttribute('label', label); } XULBrowserWindow.statusTextField.label = label; }, handleEvent: function(event) { if (!this.enable) return; switch(event.type) { case 'mouseover': if (!this.tmpDisable) this.mouseover(event); break; case 'mouseout': if (!this.tmpDisable) this.mouseout(event); break; case 'keydown': if (event.keyCode === 17) { // Ctrl_L this.ctrlKey = true; } break; case 'keyup': if (event.keyCode === 17) { this.ctrlKey = false; } break; // case 'keypress': // if (event.keyCode === 18) { // Alt_L // this.tmpDisable = !this.tmpDisable; // this.updateState(!this.tmpDisable, this.tmpDisable); // } break; } }, observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){ if (aTopic == 'nsPref:changed') { switch(aData) { case 'BUTTON_TYPE': case 'enable': case 'hovering_time': case 'clicked_elem': case 'clicked_parent_elem': this.loadSetting(aData); break; } } }, mouseover: function(event) { var elem = this.findLink(event.target); if (elem) { this.timeoutID = setTimeout(function() { AutoClick.click(elem, event.view); }, this.hovering_time); } }, mouseout: function(event) { if (this.timeoutID) { clearTimeout(this.timeoutID); this.timeoutID = null; } }, findLink: function(node) { var selector = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(); // if (node.id) { // selector += '#' + node.id; // } // var classNames = node.getAttribute('class'); // if (classNames) { // selector += '.' + classNames.trim().replace(/\s+/ig, '.'); // } var match = function(list) { return list.some(function(x) selector === x ); }; if (match(this.clicked_elems)) { return node; } else if (match(this.clicked_parent_elems)) { var parent = node.parentNode; return parent && this.findLink(parent); } return null; }, click: function(element, win) { let doc = win.document, e = doc.createEvent('MouseEvents'); e.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this.ctrlKey, false, false, false, 0, element); return !element.dispatchEvent(e); }, iconClick: function(event) { if (event.button === 0) { this.enable = !this.enable; } else { this.openPref(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, openPref: function() { let xul = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\ <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>\ \ <prefwindow\ xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"\ id="AutoClick"\ windowtype="AutoClick:Preferences">\ <prefpane id="main" flex="1">\ \ <preferences>\ <preference id="hovering_time" type="int" name="userChromeJS.AutoClick.hovering_time"/>\ <preference id="BUTTON_TYPE" type="int" name="userChromeJS.AutoClick.BUTTON_TYPE"/>\ <preference id="clicked_elem" type="string" name="userChromeJS.AutoClick.clicked_elem"/>\ <preference id="clicked_parent_elem" type="string" name="userChromeJS.AutoClick.clicked_parent_elem"/>\ </preferences>\ \ <hbox>\ <label value="鎮仠鐨勬椂闂达細" />\ <textbox size="10" preference="hovering_time" />\ <label value="姣" />\ </hbox>\ <hbox>\ <label value="鎸夐挳鐨勭被鍨嬶細" />\ <menulist preference="BUTTON_TYPE">\ <menupopup>\ <menuitem label="鍦板潃鏍忔寜閽�" value="0"/>\ <menuitem label="鍙Щ鍔ㄦ寜閽�" value="1"/>\ <menuitem label="鑿滃崟" value="2"/>\ </menupopup>\ </menulist>\ </hbox>\ <label value="鐐瑰嚮鐨勮妭鐐瑰悕锛�" />\ <textbox id="clicked_elem" flex="1" preference="clicked_elem" multiline="true" rows="3" />\ <label value="闇€瑕佹煡鎵剧埗鍏冪礌鐨勮妭鐐瑰悕锛�" />\ <textbox flex="1" id="clicked_parent_elem" preference="clicked_parent_elem" \ multiline="true" rows="3" />\ <button label="閲嶇疆" onclick="reset();" tooltiptext="閲嶇疆涓婇潰2涓缃负榛樿鍊�" />\ \ </prefpane>\ <script>\ function reset() {\ $("clicked_elem").value = opener.AutoClick.default_prefs.clicked_elem;\ $("clicked_parent_elem").value = opener.AutoClick.default_prefs.clicked_parent_elem;\ }\ function $(id) document.getElementById(id); \ </script>\ </prefwindow>\ '; window.openDialog( "data:application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml;charset=UTF-8," + encodeURIComponent(xul), '', 'chrome,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen,dialog=no'); }, }; // 鏉ヨ嚜 User Agent Overrider 鎵╁睍 const ToolbarManager = (function() { /** * Remember the button position. * This function Modity from addon-sdk file lib/sdk/widget.js, and * function BrowserWindow.prototype._insertNodeInToolbar */ let layoutWidget = function(document, button, isFirstRun) { // Add to the customization palette let toolbox = document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox'); toolbox.palette.appendChild(button); // Search for widget toolbar by reading toolbar's currentset attribute let container = null; let toolbars = document.getElementsByTagName('toolbar'); let id = button.getAttribute('id'); for (let i = 0; i < toolbars.length; i += 1) { let toolbar = toolbars; if (toolbar.getAttribute('currentset').indexOf(id) !== -1) { container = toolbar; } } // if widget isn't in any toolbar, default add it next to searchbar if (!container) { if (isFirstRun) { container = document.getElementById('nav-bar'); } else { return; } } // Now retrieve a reference to the next toolbar item // by reading currentset attribute on the toolbar let nextNode = null; let currentSet = container.getAttribute('currentset'); let ids = (currentSet === '__empty') ? [] : currentSet.split(','); let idx = ids.indexOf(id); if (idx !== -1) { for (let i = idx; i < ids.length; i += 1) { nextNode = document.getElementById(ids); if (nextNode) { break; } } } // Finally insert our widget in the right toolbar and in the right position container.insertItem(id, nextNode, null, false); // Update DOM in order to save position // in this toolbar. But only do this the first time we add it to the toolbar if (ids.indexOf(id) === -1) { container.setAttribute('currentset', container.currentSet); document.persist(container.id, 'currentset'); } }; let addWidget = function(window, widget, isFirstRun) { try { layoutWidget(window.document, widget, isFirstRun); } catch(error) { console.log(error); } }; let removeWidget = function(window, widgetId) { try { let widget = window.document.getElementById(widgetId); widget.parentNode.removeChild(widget); } catch(error) { console.log(error); } }; let exports = { addWidget: addWidget, removeWidget: removeWidget, }; return exports; })(); function $(id, doc) (doc || document).getElementById(id); function $C(name, attr) { var el = document.createElement(name); if (attr) { Object.keys(attr).forEach(function(n) { if (typeof attr[n] === 'function') { el.addEventListener(n, attr[n], false); } else { el.setAttribute(n, attr[n]); } }); } return el; } function addStyle(css) { var pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" href="data:text/css;utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(css) + '"' ); return document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } AutoClick.init(); })() |
发布于:2015-10-28 18:55
KanKanFirst:请问大大哪一行是第158行啊……TAT在onclick: 'AutoClick.iconClick(event);',加试试 |
发布于:2015-10-28 20:24
发布于:2015-10-31 19:30
KanKanFirst:这个快捷键的作用是打开设置面板,我想直接设置停用或启用TAT回到原帖脚本主页不是写着鼠标手势或其它调用命令:document.getElementById("AutoClick-enable-menuitem").click();。 |
发布于:2015-10-31 19:42
keys['Alt+0'] = "document.getElementById('AutoClick-enable-menuitem').click();";
然后右键图标,菜单里按钮类型选择菜单,重启浏览器 |
发布于:2015-11-01 14:14
发布于:2015-11-01 20:44
KanKanFirst:成功了!!!!十分感谢大大的帮忙>_<是的,只是模拟点击那个菜单项,如果菜单项不存在自然不行,按钮模式把AutoClick-enable-menuitem改成AutoClick-icon应该可以吧 |
发布于:2015-11-02 21:24