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google pc

更多 发布于:2006-01-05 22:19
美国《洛杉矶时报》今天报道,著名互联网搜索引擎公司Google将在CES2006大会上展示Google PC。根据《洛杉矶时报》的报道,Google已经在和全美最大零售商Wal-Mart商谈合作事宜,来销售Google PC。这种Google PC将采用Google自己研发的操作系统,而非微软的Windows操作系统,因此Google PC的零售价格将低至数百美金。

       另外,分析师认为Google将很快向市场投放一款名为“Google Cube”的硬件产品,这种硬件产品可以让用户在电脑和电视之间交换歌曲、视频和其它数字文件。Google的共同创始人兼任产品负责人的Larry Page将在CES2006大会上进行主题演讲,分析师预期他将在CES2006大会上宣布推出Google PC并且宣布和零售商合作销售这种PC产品。

       分析师认为Google PC和Google搜索引擎合作,将冲击现有的视频内容提供商。Google PC如果可以轻易的搜索和下载用户需要的视频,将对现有视频内容提供商造成不小冲击。另外,有分析师认为Google PC肯定会采用Google特别优化的Linux操作系统,因此这种操作系统谈不上是Google自己研发。Google有可能在Google PC当中配备Firefox浏览器和GoogleToolbar,另外采用GTalk聊天软件。分析师认为,Google PC是Google另外一次挑战微软在桌面PC霸主地位的行动,Google PC能否成功,还需要市场和消费者的考验。
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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19
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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19
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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19


OSNews - 洛杉矶时报最近发表的关于Google将进入PC产业的传闻被Google和沃尔玛同时否认。The Register的一则消息称,有记者拨打了Google的公关部门询问此事而被告知这是“完全不准确的”,同时沃尔玛忙碌的公关部也将此猜测归类为“没有一点事实根据的传闻”。事实上,Google没有理由要进入PC这个“夕阳产业”,更何况Google现在高利润的广告业务做的很好。


"全球知名的www.google.com被一名叫徐翔(英文名: louis braille)的中国黑客入侵成功.他改变google的logo并植入louis braille birthdate 搜索以纪念他的生日.不信请现在登陆google,点击google图案试看看!希望大家转发,让更多的中国人看到我们入侵老美google成功!
  晚了就看不到啦。。。。。。。。。。 "

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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19



"全球知名的www.google.com被一名叫徐翔(英文名: louis braille)的中国黑客入侵成功.他改变google的logo并植入louis braille birthdate 搜索以纪念他的生日.不信请现在登陆google,点击google图案试看看!希望大家转发,让更多的中国人看到我们入侵老美google成功!
  晚了就看不到啦。。。。。。。。。。 "





Louis Braille invented "braille", a world wide system of embossed type used by blind and partially sighted people for reading and writing. It has been adapted to almost every known language, from Albanian to Zulu.

He died in 1852 and, for a while, it seemed as if this system would die with the inventor. Thankfully a few key people realised the importance of this invention. In 1868, Dr Thomas Armitage led a group of four blind men to found the British and Foreign Society for Improving the Embossed Literature of the Blind.

This small band of friends grew and grew to become Royal National Institute of the Blind (RNIB). We are now the largest publisher of braille in Europe. Our pioneering work helps anyone with a sight problem.
Where does the story begin?

Louis Braille was born in a small town near Paris on 4 January 1809.

One day when Louis Braille was a small boy, he crept into his father's workshop to play. He had often seen his father making shoes and he decided he would like to try. He picked up an awl, a sharp, pointed tool used for making holes in leather. As he bent over, the awl slipped and pierced his eye, destroying it forever. Some time later his other eye became infected by the first and he lost his sight altogether. He was aged only 4, but still went on to become one of the most famous Frenchmen ever to live.
Louis Braille's school years

Despite his sight loss the young child attended the village school with his sighted friends for two years. Eventually it became clear that he would not be able to learn much more, largely because he could not read or write. Without an education it was likely that he would have to beg on the streets, like other blind people at that time.

At the age of ten he was lucky enough to be sent to a school for blind boys in Paris, one of the first in the world. Conditions in the school were very harsh. The building was damp and unhealthy and discipline was severe. Pupils who misbehaved were beaten, locked up and given stale bread and water. In fact, this kind of discipline was common in all schools at that time. Life was harsh for nearly everyone and most sighted children left school at the age of 12 and went to work in factories or in mines.

At the school in Paris the blind pupils were taught practical skills like chair caning and slipper making so that when they left the school they would be able to make a living. Once a week, after lunch, the boys were taken for a walk in the park, linked together by a long rope.

They were also taught to read but not to write. The letters they read were raised above the surface of the page so that they could feel them with their fingertips. This form of writing was very difficult to read because it was very hard to tell the letters apart. The letters were printed by pressing copper wire into one side of the paper to make a raised shape on the other. Because each individual letter had to be made out of wire first and because the wire then had to be forced into the paper with a press blind people were unable to write anything for themselves.

One day something happened that changed the lives of blind people forever. In 1821, a soldier named Charles Barbier visited Louis' school. He bought with him a system he had invented called "night writing". Night writing had originally been designed so that soldiers could pass instructions along trenches at night without having to talk and give their positions away. It consisted of twelve raised dots which could be combined to represent different sounds. Unfortunately it proved to be too complex for soldiers to master and was therefore rejected by the army.
How did he develop braille?

The young Louis Braille quickly realised how useful this system of raised dots could be, provided it was simplified. Over the next few months he experimented with different systems until he found an ideal system using six dots. He continued to work on the scheme for several years after, developing separate codes for maths and music. In 1827 the first book in braille was published.

Even so, the new system did not catch on immediately. Sighted people did not understand how useful braille could be and one head teacher at the school even banned the children from learning it. Fortunately this seemed to have the effect of encouraging the children even more and they took to learning it in secret. Eventually even sighted people began to realise the benefits of the new system.

Not only could people with sight problems read braille but they could also write it for themselves using a simple stylus to make the dots. For the first time blind and partially sighted people began to be truly independent and to take control of their own lives.
What did he go on to do?

Louis Braille eventually became a teacher in the school where he had been a student. He was admired and respected by his pupils but, unfortunately, he did not live to see his system widely adopted. He had always been plagued by ill health and in 1852, at the age of 43, he died from tuberculosis.

In France itself, Louis Braille's achievement was finally recognised by the state. In 1952 his body was moved to Paris where it was buried in the Pantheon, the home of France's national heroes.
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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19
昨天用 google 时,看logo挻奇怪,不认识,呵呵,感情那是盲文啊,不过盲人也看不见啊,摸屏幕都是平的,
  • UID3586
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发布于:2006-01-05 22:19



