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更多 发布于:2006-08-26 12:12
来在国外很火的《What does your browser reveal about you?》的部分翻译,不一定就适合中国国情。文章很主观,仅供消遣。原文中还有很多少见的浏览器,有兴趣的朋友可以看看。



IE 5.0

你是用电脑上上网,聊聊天,写写email和博客的人。你顽固地拒绝升级还在用的古董Win 98,因为你不需要那些花哨的的功能,并认为目前工作得很好。你很可能不使用反病毒或反间谍软件。你只需要每月叫你的儿子、外甥或朋友帮你清除他们罢了……

IE 6.0

你可能不知道什么是“浏览器”,并认为互联网就是“IE”。你对技术毫无概念,并且对电脑有些恐惧。同样,你也只用电脑聊天、写email和博客。尽管你的朋友不停的告诉你“一只被炒鱿鱼的狐狸”(Fired Fox),但你并不真正了解并不愿意花时间去了解它。

IE 7.0

你以为你站在技术的前沿,并认为微软是这世界上最伟大的公司,那个什么该死的 “Lenoux”(注:Linux)操作系统是由恐怖分子制造出来的。在你的墙上有Steve Ballmer(微软的执行官)的海报,并且希望自己长大后能像Bill Gates一样。当你想到Vista的时候就变得激动万分、热血沸腾。

Firefox 1.x

你很可爱且有点滑稽,并为Firefox感到骄傲。你是开源运动的强烈支持者,觉得 RMS(见注)才是真正的男人。你不真正关心Firefox是不是比IE更快、更安全,甚至在Firefox比IE烂10倍的情况下依然坚持用它。你只是非常高兴拥有一个自由(注:原文为“free”,和不一定就是免费之意。暂取“自由软件”之意)、开源的并且有数量巨大的支持社区的浏览器而已。在任何时候都要装上至少7个你离不开的扩展。

注:RMS即:理查德?马修?斯托曼(Richard Matthew Stallman, RMS,生于1953年),自由软件运动的精神领袖、GNU计划以及自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation)的创立者、著名黑客。

Firefox 2.0 Beta

白天你的职业是个程序员,夜间你是个开源软件的程序员,要不,你就是个狂热的Firefox 迷。你是个彻底的bug报告员,把所有你遇到的问题都向Mozilla反映。有可能你已经为一个开源项目提交了一个补丁。你喜欢修改程序,并且不介意运行 beta版的软件。毕竟,发现新bug和为最热门的软件编程是很有趣的。


你不关心Firefox之流。你需要的是对你来说最好的浏览器——opera。过去 Opera上有广告时,你购买了它。当Firefox的粉丝(即:Firefox迷)对你的浏览器评头论足的时候,你立马瞪他一眼,并开启ACID2进行测试(ACID2一个浏览器标准测试网页)。你知道自己的需要(快捷、符合标准的浏览器)也知道在哪里去获得它。虽然你对浏览器大战根本就不感兴趣,但却希望Firefox战胜IE,那样开发只兼容IE页面的程序员就更少了。




你是个内心矛盾的Linux用户。你认为KDE是最好的桌面并鄙视Gnome。(注:KDE 和Gonme都是Linux下著名的桌面环境)。你喜欢你的浏览器同时是文件管理器、FTP/SCP客户端、SMB客户端、PDF查看器以及其他很多功能。你很可能向朋友炫耀Kongqueror,用它编辑、保存、更新修改过的网页。绝大多数你用的日常程序都以K开头,比如:Kmail、 Kontact、Kdevelop、Koffice等。


你是个骗子。真的要我相信你用的是个纯文字的浏览器么?特别是作为一个不支持 Javascript、Frames、CSS和显示table标签都有问题的浏览器?认真的讲,我相信你一直用VI(Linux下强大的编辑器),主要的邮件客户端是Mutt或者pine。但要我相信你的不仅买了这款软件并只使用它上网几乎是不可能的。如果你真的做到了,那你就是我见过最最执着的古董。向你致敬!

# Flock - 他们也许会叫你Web 2.0先生。你的踪迹布满flickr,, youtube还有起来的网站,而你的浏览器反映出来。你觉得Firefox接受得了,不过它没有加入所有在指间就能办到的blogging,照片分享,标签和书签分享工具。你希望你能植入一块晶片在你的脑里一边你能够24/7地上网还有moblog。一些思想狭小的人告诉你说Flock只是firefox的叉子,你会说他们不会以比较大的视野来看东西。
# Epiphany - 你是个Gnome用户而且引以为荣。你觉得KDE简直就是从地狱出来折磨人的东西。你很喜欢与人解释KDE需要修改好几个小时才能使用。那些说KDE能马上使用的认识污秽的骗子。你喜欢简单又值得依靠的东西,这就是为什么你选择Gnome,这也是为什么你选择使用Epiphany。你尝试使用 Mozilla和Firefox可是你觉得它们很打肿脸充胖子,太中心化又丑。你的桌子就像你的电脑一样整齐有系统。
# Maxthon and Avant - 你也许有些疑惑。你喜欢IE还有你不想换其他的浏览器。可是在你心里你渴望你那些朋友的浏览器能做到tab浏览功能还有其他很酷的功能。 Maxthon/Avant允许你是用两者最好的功能 - IE的舒适和温暖,还有其他浏览器酷酷的功能。当IE 7试用版出来时,也许你改成使用它。
# Sea Monkey - 你就是喜欢软体配套。你不能自救,可是把浏览器和电邮软体分开对你来说简直就是不可以接受的。你曾经使用过Mozilla可是当Sea Monkey出现时,你很快的换你的口味而且永不回头。你觉得Sea Monkey是这世上最酷的浏览器名字。
# w3m - 你这一生多数时间是系统管理员。你很少看到阳光因为你花你多数的日子在很多服务器周围。在没有电脑扇子的声音的环境下,你不能入睡。即使在夏天,你需要穿着外套因为在服务器的房间里冷气的温度将是最冷的。年轻的geek对你看齐并想模仿你,可是你永远不了解为什么。

ndom, incoherent and disjointed rants and ramblings…
« MSU Page Redesign
Aliens Use Firefox! »
What does your browser reveal about you?
Firefox vs IE

I often tend to judge people based on the type of browser they use. Believe it or not, the choice of your favorite browser reveals a lot about your personality.

IE 5.0:

You only use your computer for IM, email and Myspace. You stubbornly refuse to upgrade that ancient Win 98 box that you are using because you don’t need some fancy computer and in your opinion the one you have works just fine. You also probably don’t use antivirus or antispyware either. You just let your son/nephew/friend clean it out every month or so.

IE 6.0:

You probably don’t know what a “browser” is and you think Internet is IE. You have no clue about technology, and you are generally afraid of computers. You also use your machine only for IM, chat, email and myspace. Your friends keep telling you about that “Fried Fox” thingy but you don’t really understand this stuff and never really had time to look into it.

IE 7.0:

You consider yourself to be on the cutting edge of technology. You think that Microsoft is the greatest company on the earth, and that this evil “Lenoux” operating system is made by terrorists. You have a poster of Steve Ballmer on your wall, and you want to be like Bill Gates when you grow up. When you think about Vista you get goosebumps and shiver with excitement.

Firefox 1.x:

You are most likely a little bit geeky and proud of it. You are a strong supporter of the Open Source movement, and you think that RMS is “the man”. You really don’t care if FF is faster, or safer than IE - you would use it even if it performed 10 times worse. You are just happy that you have a free, open source browser with a huge community that is supporting it. At any given time you have installed at least 7 extensions that you couldn’t live without.

Firefox 2.0 Beta:

You are a developer by day and open source developer by night. Either that, or a huge Firefox fan. You are all over Bugzilla reporting all the issues you encounter with the browser. You have probably summited at least one patch to an open source project at some point in your life. You love to tinker with your applications, and you don’t mind running beta software on your machine. After all, it is fun to discover new bugs, and to work little kinks out of the new cutting edge programs.


You have been with Mozilla since the begging. You think that Firefox is really over-hyped and you prefer the old school Netscape like environment much better. You don’t think the Moz Suite is bloated - you actually like having a mail client, irc client, and a web editor embedded in the browser. You don’t understand why people would pick a browser with less features. In all other aspects you are much like a Firefox user - you love Open Source, you are fond of your extensions and etc… Actually, no - you would rather say that Firefox users are much like you in their tastes. After all, you were using an awesome gecko powered browser while they were still struggling with their IE or whatever.


You really don’t care for they Firefox hype. What you want is the best browser there is - and for you that’s Opera. You actually used to pay them when the browser was ad supported. If a Firefox fanboi starts talking smack about your browser you quickly shoot him down by proposing the ACID2 test. You know what you want (a fast, standards compliant browser) and you know where to get it. Browser wars do not interest you at all, although you kinda hope that Firefox wins so that fewer web developers make IE only pages.

Netscape 8.x:

You are a senior citizen, who just recently got a new computer. You don’t really understand anything about the internets, but you distinctly remember that you must have Netscape to run them. You can’t understand all that talk about Internet Explorator and Firesomething, and you have no clue what Oprah has to do with the internets. All you know is that you need to click on that big N to get to the “onlines”. You think that Senator Steven’s speech about net neutrality made a lot of sense. You also sent out an internet one day, and the other person haven’t received it for days.

Netscape 7 and below:

See IE 5.0.

AOL Explorer:

Ever since you installed new AIM client this thing became your default browser. You really hate it, but you just can’t figure out how to change it back. You don’t even know how to explain what you want to your computer savvy friends. Whenever you try to get help and you say something like “can you change the new internet, back to the old internet?” they just stare at you and pretend they don’t understand. They probably don’t know as much about computers as they say they do, or something.

AOL Suite:

You most likely either still use AOL as your dialup ISP. Either that, or you somehow figured that you still need AOL even after getting broadband connection. Someone told you you can actually use the internets without starting AOL but you haven’t figured out how is that possible. It seems really difficult though, and you suspect it might be illegal.


Congratulations! You are a Mac user with all perks and benefits that title offers you. You love OSX, and you would never use Windows. It just seems ugly and kludge stricken to you. You like the simplicity, and clarity that Mac offers you, and Safari is a browser that just works for you. You never really bothered to look for another one, because you are fully satisfied with what you have and you wouldn’t change it for the world.


You are a linux user, and a geek at heart. You think that KDE is the best desktop environment out there, and you despise Gnome. You love the fact that your browser is also file manager, a ftp/scp client, smb share client, a PDF viewer and many other things. You like to show off KDE’s network transparency to your friends by scp’ing to your web server, editing HTML file, saving it, and then refreshing the modified page without ever leaving the browser. Most of the applications you use on a daily basis have names starting with a k (Kmail, Kontact, Kdevelop, Koffice etc..)


You are a liar. You really want me to believe that you use a text browser for everything? Especially one that does not support javascript, frames, css and has trouble displaying tables? Seriously, I can totally believe that you use vi all the time, and that your primary email client is Mutt or Pine. But there is no way that I’m prepared to buy that you use lynx for everything. And if you would, then you’d be the most hardcore geek I have ever seen in my life. Hats off to you!

If you disagree with any of the above, please let me know in the comments. If you are offended, then stop using that shit you use and get a real browser. mrgreen Also feel free to add short descriptions for the browsers that I missed.

Disclaimer: I have no clue who made that awesome firefox image. Someone had it as an avatar on a message board. I’m perfectly willing to give the author credit if I can find him.

Update Sun, August 20 2006, 04:00 AM

Thank you for all the comments. Just to set things straight - I am not saying Lynx is a bad browser. I use it quite often in fact for various things. I’m just saying that I doubt a lot of people would use it as their main browser of choice. But if you are, hats off to you! You are much more hardcore than I am.

Update Sun, August 20 2006, 10:09 PM

Now, here are some missing browsers by popular demand:


They might as well call you Mr. Web 2.0. You are all over flickr,, youtube and dozens of other websites, and your browser reflects it. You think that Firefox is OK, but it does not include all the blogging, photo sharing, tagging and bookmark sharing tools right there at your fingertips. You wish you could get a chip implanted in your brain so that you would stay connected to the web and be able to moblog 24/7. When the small minded people tell you that Flock is just a fork of Firefox you dismiss them saying they are not seeing the big picture.


You are a Gnome user and proud of it. You consider KDE a torture device from hell. You are fond of explaining people that KDE must be configured for hours before it can be usable. The people who claim that KDE is totally usable right out of the box are definitely dirty liers. You prefer things simple and intuitive - that’s why you picked Gnome, and that’s why you use Epiphany. You tried using Mozzila and Firefox but you found them bloated, counterintuitive and ugly. Your desktop is neat an organized, just like your desk is.

Maxthon and Avant:

You are a little bit confused. You like IE and you wouldn’t change it for another browser. You don’t want to worry about sites that won’t render properly, or ActiveX controls that won’t work on an alternative browser. But deep down inside you are envious of your friends who get to have tabbed browsing, and other cool features. You do recognize that IE is a little behind the times though, and you want something more modern, without giving up your ability to render certain websites. Maxhton/Avant lets you have the best of both worlds - the warm and comfy feel of IE rendering engine, and all the cool features that are standard in other browsers. You will likely switch to IE7 when it is out of beta.

Sea Monkey:

You simply like application suites. You can’t help it, but the thought of using separate applications for web browsing an email just seems obscene to you. You used to use Mozilla but when Sea Monkey was released, you quickly jumped ship and you have never looked back. You think Sea Monkey is the coolest name for a browser ever!


You have been a sysadmin for most of your life. You rarely see the sunlight because you spend most of your day in the bowels of the NOC surrounded by big servers. You can’t sleep without the background noise of a humming computer fan. You take a warm jacket to work even in the summertime because the AC in the server room is cranked up so high you could get a cold just thinking about it. Young geeks look up to you, and try to imitate you - but you could never figure out why.


You are way to impatient to wait for your browser to load. Even IE starts up to slow for you. That’s why your browser has a preloader, and it is cranked up so high that it only takes nanoseconds for the window to pop up on the screen. You live life in the fast lane, and you do not have time to wait for the slow moving applications. You can remember spending hours doing windows registry tweaks to bring up those response rates, loading times, and decrease timeouts on everything.


You are a minimalist at heart. You like your applications small and fast. You can be obsessive about memory footprints of the programs you run on a daily basis. You most likely run IceWM or Windowmaker on your machine and you sneer at the bloated desktop environments such as KDE or Gnome. You are known as the the local Linux/BSD guru.

Sigh… I tried to write something about Camino, Shiira and Omniweb but I have nothing. I never used them. Please feel free to do your own description of those in the comment and I will include it in the post.
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