  • UID5736
  • 注册日期2005-05-06
  • 最后登录2012-10-09
  • 发帖数1363
  • 经验10枚
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更多 发布于:2005-07-14 09:15
Server Version of Gecko Under Development

Rod Zimmerman writes: "Our company is developing a server version of the Mozilla Gecko rendering engine. We plan to package it within a print server appliance that will be available in Fall 2005. By server, we mean that it runs headless, without browser windows or any kind of graphical user interface (GUI). In addition, it renders multiple jobs concurrently. Our target market is users of custom web applications that generate XHTML for interactive use and use some other formatting technology for printing 'souvenirs of transactions' to paper or virtual printing to formats such as PDF, AFP, and SVG. With our solution, we intend to broaden the use of XHTML to most or all of the web application. A test version of this product is available online at http://gecko.dynalivery.com. Please try it and share your feedback with us. Thanks."

The demo appears to load a page using the server version of Gecko and then use Gecko's built-in printing code to create a PostScript version (like most applications, Mozilla sends its output to printers using PostScript). This PostScript is then provided to the Saffron Document Server, which converts it to either PDF, JPEG, SVG or AFP (a page description language developed by IBM).

Rod Zimmerman写道:我们公司正在开发一款基于mozilla gecko的服务器版的浏览引擎。今年秋季,你将在一些字符型的界面上看到它的应用。我的意思是,在服务器上,它可以单独运行,不必依赖windows或者其他的图形界面操作系统。并且,它可以满足多进程操作。我们的目的是可以在一些服务器上应用xhtml技术和产生用于打印的PDF, AFP, 和SVG格式。我们的测试版已经发布,你可以去http://gecko.dynalivery.com你上面尽情的体验,同时真情的希望你的反馈。
