  • UID9196
  • 注册日期2005-10-11
  • 最后登录2005-10-11
  • 发帖数1
  • 经验10枚
  • 威望0点
  • 贡献值0点
  • 好评度0点


更多 发布于:2005-10-11 16:26

<script language="JavaScript">
function fnSelect() {
  var item = document.getElementById('itemRow');

<table id="itemRow">
  <tr><td><html:hidden name="abcForm" property="id"/>
  <tr><td><td id="code">CODE
  • UID10459
  • 注册日期2005-12-09
  • 最后登录2005-12-09
  • 发帖数6
  • 经验10枚
  • 威望0点
  • 贡献值0点
  • 好评度0点
发布于:2005-10-11 16:26
在W3C标准当中没有 all , innerText

下面是有关HTMLTableElement的参考,摘至《Javascript:The Definitive Guide》,4th Edition 即《Javascript权威指南》网上可以下载得到
HTMLTableElement a <table> in an HTML document


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides
Node  Element  HTMLElement  HTMLTableElement

HTMLTableCaptionElement caption
A reference to the <caption> element for the table, or null if there is none.

readonly HTMLCollection rows
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableRowElement objects that represent all the rows in the table. This includes all rows defined within <thead>, <tfoot>, and <tbody> tags.

readonly HTMLCollection tBodies
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableSectionElement objects that represent all the <tbody> sections in this table.

HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot
The <tfoot> element of the table, or null if there is none.

HTMLTableSectionElement tHead
The <thead> element of the table, or null if there is none.

In addition to the properties just listed, this interface defines the properties in the following table to represent the HTML attributes of the <table> element.

deprecated String align
 Horizontal alignment of table in document
deprecated String bgColor
 Table background color
String border
 Width of border around table
String cellPadding
 Space between cell contents and border
String cellSpacing
 Space between cell borders
String frame
 Which table borders to draw
String rules
 Where to draw lines within the table
String summary
 Summary description of table
String width
 Table width

createCaption( )
Returns the existing <caption> for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

createTFoot( )
Returns the existing <tfoot> element for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

createTHead( )
Returns the existing <thead> element for the table, or creates (and inserts) a new one if none already exists.

deleteCaption( )
Deletes the <caption> element from the table, if it has one.

deleteRow( )
Deletes the row at the specified position in the table.

deleteTFoot( )
Deletes the <tfoot> element from the table, if it has one.

deleteTHead( )
Deletes the <thead> element from the table, if one exists.

insertRow( )
Inserts a new, empty <tr> element into the table at the specified position.

This interface represents an HTML <table> element and defines a number of convenience properties and methods for querying and modifying various sections of the table. These methods and properties make it easier to work with tables, but they could also be duplicated with core DOM methods.

See Also
HTMLTableCaptionElement, HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement, HTMLTableRowElement, HTMLTableSectionElement

HTMLTableRowElement a <tr> element in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides
Node  Element  HTMLElement  HTMLTableRowElement

readonly HTMLCollection cells
An array (HTMLCollection) of HTMLTableCellElement objects representing the cells in this row.

readonly long rowIndex
The position of this row in the table.

readonly long sectionRowIndex
The position of this row within its section (i.e., within its <thead>, <tbody>, or <tfoot> element).

In addition to the properties just listed, this interface also defines the properties in the following table, which correspond to the HTML attributes of the <tr> element.

String align
 Default horizontal alignment of cells in this row
deprecated String bgColor
 Background color of this row
String ch
 Alignment character for cells in this row
String chOff
 Alignment character offset for cells in this row
String vAlign
 Default vertical alignment for cells in this row

deleteCell( )
Deletes the specified cell from this row.

insertCell( )
Inserts an empty <td> element into this row at the specified position.

This interface represents a row in an HTML table.

HTMLTableCellElement a <td> or <th> cell in an HTML table


DOM Level 1 HTML

Inherits from/Overrides
Node  Element  HTMLElement  HTMLTableCellElement

readonly long cellIndex
The position of this cell within its row.

In addition to the cellIndex property, this interface defines the properties in the following table, which correspond directly to the HTML attributes of the <td> and <th> elements.

String abbr
 See HTML specification
String align
 Horizontal alignment of cell
String axis
 See HTML specification
deprecated String bgColor
 Background color of cell
String ch
 Alignment character
String chOff
 Alignment character offset
long colSpan
 Columns spanned by cell
String headers
 id values for headers for this cell
deprecated String height
 Cell height in pixels
deprecated boolean noWrap
 Don't word-wrap cell
long rowSpan
 Rows spanned by cell
String scope
 Scope of this header cell
String vAlign
 Vertical alignment of cell
deprecated String width
 Cell width in pixels

This interface represents <td> and <th> elements in HTML tables.
