用Firegestures调用super next page预读下一页
怎么用Firegestures直接打开super next page预读的下一页
我之前看过一个脚本 作者有给出预读下一页的接口 直接用Firegestures添加脚本 就可以了 但那个脚本预读能力太差 求高手给出super next page 下一页的接口 还有怎么开关 左右键翻页并预读下一页 以下是super next page的代码 // This is a greasemonkey script, for use with the Firefox extension Greasemonkey. // More info: http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ // // ==UserScript== // @name Super Next Page // @author Godeye // @version 0.2.3 // @date 2010-08-03 // @namespace godeye // @description 左右键翻页并预读下一页 // @description Based on Next Page & Prefetch Next Page & AutoPagerizer // @identifier http://userscripts.org/scripts/source/38066.user.js // @include http://* // @include https://* // @exclude *.baidu.com/* // @exclude http://mail.163.com/* // @exclude *.vip.163.com/* // ==/UserScript== /* ************************************************* >>>>>>>>>>>超级下一页<<<<<<<<<<<<< 作者:godeye Userscript:http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38066 Mailto:ntdrv_1@126.com 说明: 功能开启/关闭: StatusInTitle 是否在标题栏显示预读状态 coloredlink 是否显示彩色链接 iconenable 是否显示右上方图标 historyenable 是否开启前进后退修正 详见参数设置部分,将相应变量设为false即可关闭 ************************************************* */ (function() { if (window != top) if(checkInIframe()) return; // 如果已经在框架中了则退出,防止生成无限多个嵌套。。。 //================================================================== //参数设置 var URL = 'http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/38066'; var VERSION = '0.2.2'; var leftpages = 1.5; // 剩余页面高度小于 leftpages 倍可视窗体高度时,开始预读取下一页 var scrollpos = 0.5; // 剩余页面高度小于 scrollpos 倍总页面高度时,开始预读取下一页 var StatusInTitle = false; // 是否在标题栏显示预读状态 var coloredlink = true; //是否显示彩色链接 var iconenable = false var historyenable = (window.location.hash == ''); //是否开启前进后退修正,为防止冲突,默认对使用ajax网站不启用 var historymax = 10; //最大历史数目 var intervaltime = 50; //地址栏变化监听函数间隔,毫秒 //================================================================== //自定义图标颜色 var COLOR = { on: '#0f0', off: '#ccc', loading:'#ff0', textdone: '#0ff', done: '#00f', not_found: '#0a0', error: '#f0f' } // 自定义图标文字 var TEXT = (navigator.language == "zh-CN") ? { //for chinese prefetching:'正在预取...', textdone:'已预取文字...', textdonetip:'此页面文字已被预取,正在预取图片等...', done:'已完全预取', donetip:'此页面已被完全预取', error:'预读错误:', errortip:'此页面不能读取' } : { // for other language prefetching:'Prefetching...', textdone:'Text Prefetched...', textdonetip:'Text Prefetched...,Now Prefetching Image...', done:'Prefetching Complete', donetip:'This page has been Prefetched', error:'Eorror Occurred:', errortip:'Can not Prefetching' } /* ****************************************** 图标显示部分 ***************************************** */ var IconHelper = function() { this.state = GM_getValue('STATE'); var self = this var toggle = function() {self.stateToggle()} this.toggle = toggle this.initIcon() this.initHelp() this.icon.addEventListener("mouseover",function(){self.viewHelp()}, true) } IconHelper.prototype.initHelp = function() { var helpDiv = document.createElement('div') helpDiv.setAttribute('id', 'nextpage_help') helpDiv.setAttribute('style', 'padding:5px;position:fixed;' + 'top:-200px;right:3px;font-size:10px;' + 'background:#fff;color:#000;border:1px solid #ccc;' + 'z-index:256;text-align:left;font-weight:normal;' + 'line-height:120%;font-family:verdana;') var toggleDiv = document.createElement('div') toggleDiv.setAttribute('style', 'margin:0 0 0 50px;text-align:right;') var a = document.createElement('a') a.setAttribute('class', 'nextpage_link') a.innerHTML = 'on/off' a.href = 'javascript:void(0)' var self = this var toggle = function() { self.stateToggle() helpDiv.style.top = '-200px' } a.addEventListener('click', toggle, false) toggleDiv.appendChild(a) var s = '<div style="width:100px; float:left;">' for (var i in COLOR) { s += '<div style="float:left;width:1em;height:1em;' + 'margin:0 3px;background-color:' + COLOR[i] + ';' + '"></div><div style="margin:0 3px">' + i + '</div>' } s += '</div>' var colorDiv = document.createElement('div') colorDiv.innerHTML = s helpDiv.appendChild(toggleDiv) helpDiv.appendChild(colorDiv) var versionDiv = document.createElement('div') versionDiv.setAttribute('style', 'clear:both;') versionDiv.innerHTML = '<a href="' + URL + '">Super Next Page</a> ' + VERSION helpDiv.appendChild(versionDiv) document.body.appendChild(helpDiv) var proc = function(e) { var c_style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(helpDiv, '') var s = ['top', 'left', 'height', 'width'].map(function(i) { return parseInt(c_style.getPropertyValue(i)) }) if (e.clientX < s[1] || e.clientX > (s[1] + s[3] + 11) || e.clientY < s[0] || e.clientY > (s[0] + s[2] + 11)) { helpDiv.style.top = '-200px' } } helpDiv.addEventListener('mouseout', proc, false) this.helpLayer = helpDiv } IconHelper.prototype.viewHelp = function() { this.helpLayer.style.top = '3px' } IconHelper.prototype.stateToggle = function() { if (this.state == 'enable') { this.disable() } else { this.enable() } } IconHelper.prototype.enable = function() { this.state = 'enable' GM_setValue('STATE','enable'); this.icon.style.background = COLOR['on'] this.icon.style.opacity = 1 } IconHelper.prototype.disable = function() { this.state = 'disable' GM_setValue('STATE','disable'); this.icon.style.background = COLOR['off'] this.icon.style.opacity = 0.5 } IconHelper.prototype.initIcon = function() { var div = document.createElement("div") div.setAttribute('id', 'nextpage_icon') with (div.style) { fontSize = '12px' position = 'fixed' top = '3px' right = '3px' background = COLOR['on'] color = '#fff' width = '10px' height = '10px' zIndex = '255' if (this.state != 'enable') { background = COLOR['off'] } } document.body.appendChild(div) this.icon = div } IconHelper.prototype.error = function() { this.icon.style.background = COLOR['error'] } IconHelper.prototype.set = function(s) { if (this.state == 'enable') { this.icon.style.background = COLOR[s] } } IconHelper.prototype.remove = function() { var s = document.getElementsByTagId('nextpage_help'); if (s) s.parentNode.removeChild(s); var t = document.getElementsByTagId('nextpage_icon'); if (t) t.parentNode.removeChild(t); } ap = (iconenable) ? (new IconHelper()):''; /* ****************************************** 判断下一页部分 ***************************************** */ //初始化全局变量 var readyfornext = false; //下一页框架是否已加载 var prefetched = false; //是否已预读 var currenturl = location.href; //当前实际的URL,当使用动态网页时,地址栏地址和实际地址不等, var checked = false; //链接是否已检查 var delay = false; //延迟标志 var next = {}; //下一页链接 var nextlinks; var newhistory = true; //是否是新的浏览记录 var lasthistory = new Object; //最后一个网页历史 var lasthistorypushed = false; //最后一个网页是否已记录 var previous = {}; // 下一页链接里的文字 next.texts = [ 'next', 'next page', 'old', 'older', 'earlier', '下页', '下頁', '下一页', '下一頁', '后一页', '后一頁', '翻下页', '翻下頁', '后页', '后頁', '下翻', '下一个', '下一张', '下一幅', '下一节', '下一章', '下一篇', '后一章', '后一篇' ]; // 上一页链接里的文字 previous.texts = [ 'previous', 'prev', 'previous page', 'new', 'newer', 'later', '上页', '上頁', '上一页', '上一頁', '前一页', '前一頁', '翻上页', '翻上頁', '前页', '前頁', '上翻', '上一个', '上一张', '上一幅', '上一节', '上一章', '上一篇', '前一章', '前一篇' ]; // 可能会误判的关键词 next.miswords = { "下一章": 30, "下一篇": 30, "后一章": 30, "后一篇": 30, "下一节": 30, ">>": 2000, "»": 2000 } previous.miswords = { "上一章": 30, "上一篇": 30, "前一章": 30, "前一篇": 30, "上一节": 30, "<<": 2000, "«": 2000 } // 取得自定义关键词 getCustom(next, "next"); getCustom(previous, "previous"); // 注册脚本菜单 registerMenu("next"); registerMenu("previous"); // 最后添加一些论坛使用的翻页符号 next.texts.push(">>"); next.texts.push(">"); next.texts.push("»"); next.texts.push("›"); previous.texts.push("<<"); previous.texts.push("<"); previous.texts.push("«"); previous.texts.push("‹"); // 翻页文字的前面和后面可能包含的字符(正则表达式) var preRegexp = '(^\\s*(?:[<‹«]*|[>›»]*|[\\(\\[『「[【]?)\\s*)'; var nextRegexp = '(\\s*(?:[>›»]*|[\\)\\]』」]】]?)\\s*$)'; // 取得并设置自定义关键词 function getCustom(aObj, key) { var site, re; var cKeyWords = GM_getValue("custom_" + key, ""); var words = cKeyWords.split(/,|,/); for each (var w in words) { site = null; if (/^\s*{\s*(\S*?)\s*}(.*)$/.test(w)) { site = RegExp.$1; w = RegExp.$2; site = site.replace(/[\/\?\.\(\)\+\-\[\]\$]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*/g, "\.*"); } w = w.replace(/\\/g, "\\").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (w) { if (site) { re = eval('/' + site + '/i'); if (re.test(currenturl)) aObj.texts.push(w); } else aObj.texts.push(w); } } } // 注册菜单 function registerMenu(key) { if (navigator.language == "zh-CN") { var word = key == "next" ? "下一页" : "上一页"; GM_registerMenuCommand("Next Page " + word + "关键词", function(){setCustom(key, word)}); } else { GM_registerMenuCommand("Next Page custom_" + key, function(){setCustom(key, key)}); } } // 设置新的关键词 function setCustom(k, w) { var text = navigator.language == "zh-CN" ? "请输入“"+w+"”的关键词,以“,”号分隔开。" : "Please enter the "+w+" page key-words, split with ','."; var result = prompt(text, GM_getValue("custom_" + k, "")); if (result != null) GM_setValue("custom_" + k, result); } function checkLinks() { var link, text, ldnc, lnc, ldpc, lpc, num, digChked, digStart, linkNumber, found; var regexp = new RegExp(); // 查找相应的链接 var links = document.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { link = links[i]; // 跳过不起作用的链接 if (!link.offsetParent || link.offsetWidth == 0 || link.offsetHeight == 0 || !link.hasAttribute("href") && !link.hasAttribute("onclick")) continue; // 跳过日历 if (/(?:^|\s)(?:monthlink|weekday|day|day[\-_]\S+)(?:\s|$)/i.test(link.className)) continue; if (/^nextlink/i.test(link.id) || /^linknext/i.test(link.id) || /(^|\s)nextlink/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linknext/i.test(link.className)) next.link = link; if (/^prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.id) || /^linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.id) || /(^|\s)prev(ious)?link/i.test(link.className) || /(^|\s)linkprev(ious)?/i.test(link.className)) previous.link = link; text = link.textContent; if (!text) { // 若链接中没有文字,则检查图片的alt属性、链接或图片的title for each (var img in link.childNodes) { if (img.localName == "IMG") { text = img.alt || link.title || img.title; if (text) break; } } if (!text) continue; } text = text.toLowerCase().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (!text) continue; // 纯数字链接 if (isDigital(text)) { if (digChked) continue; linkNumber = parseInt(RegExp.$1); if (!digStart) { // 检测上一个位置是否是当前页面的页数 if (isCurrentPageNumber(link, linkNumber, -1)) { next.link = link; next.found = true; next.pos = i; digStart = digChked = true; ldpc = i + 30; continue; } // 否则,检测自身是否是当前页面的页数 else if (isCurrentPageNumber(link, linkNumber, 0)) { // 再检测下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接 if (getNextLink(link, linkNumber+1, true)) { next.pos = i; digStart = digChked = true; ldpc = i + 30; continue; } // 设置同一组的纯数字链接已被检查 digChked = true; // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。 ldnc = i + 30; } // 同组的只需要被检测一次 digStart = true; } // 检测下一个位置是否是当前页面的页数 var tmpNode = isCurrentPageNumber(link, linkNumber, 1); if (tmpNode) { previous.link = link; previous.found = true; previous.pos = i; // 再检测下下一个位置是否是“下一页”的链接 if (getNextLink(tmpNode, linkNumber+2, true)) break; // 设置同一组的纯数字链接已被检查 digChked = true; // 设置往后的30个位置以内为“下一页”的可能链接,以提高检测速度。 ldnc = i + 30; } continue; } else { found = false; if (!next.found && !(lnc < i) && !(ldnc < i)) { for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) { if (regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i').test(text)) { // 检测到“下一页”的链接 found = true; next.link = link; num = next.miswords[next.texts[j]]; // 若“下一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。 (num == null) ? next.found = true : lnc = i + num; break; } } } if (!next.digital && lnc < i) next.found = true; if (!found && !previous.found && !(lpc < i) && !(ldpc < i)) { for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) { if (regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i').test(text)) { // 检测到“上一页”的链接 previous.link = link; num = previous.miswords[previous.texts[j]]; // 若“上一页”的词语有可能会误判时,最多再检测预定个数的链接。 (num == null) ? previous.found = true : lpc = i + num; break; } } } if (lpc < i) previous.found = true; // 重新设置纯数字链接未被检查 digChked = digStart = null; } // 找到“上一页”和“下一页”的链接或找到其中一个而另一个超过规定范围没找到,将不再查找。 if (next.found && previous.found || next.found && i > next.pos + 30 || previous.found && i > previous.pos + 30) break; } // 通过以上方法没有找到“下一页”的,把第一次检测出来的数字1的链接作为当前页,2作为“下一页”。 if (!next.found && !next.link && next.digital) next.link = next.digital; if (next.link) next.found = true; if (previous.link) previous.found = true; if (!next.found && !previous.found) checkButtons(); } // 检查翻页按钮 function checkButtons() { var but, text, found; var regexp = new RegExp(); var buts = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); for (var i = 0; i < buts.length; i++) { but = buts[i]; if (but.hasAttribute("disabled") || !(/^button$/i.test(but.type) && but.getAttribute("onclick"))) continue; text = but.value; found = false; if (!next.found) { for (var j = 0; j < next.texts.length; j++) { if (regexp.compile(preRegexp + next.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i').test(text)) { // 检测到“下一页”的按钮 next.link = but; next.found = found = true; break; } } } if (!found && !previous.found) { for (var j = 0; j < previous.texts.length; j++) { if (regexp.compile(preRegexp + previous.texts[j] + nextRegexp, 'i').test(text)) { // 检测到“上一页”的按钮 previous.link = but; previous.found = true; break; } } } if (next.found && previous.found) break; } } // 取得相邻的纯数字节点,type: 1 下一个;-1 上一个 function getSiblingNode(node, type) { if (!node) return null; node = getSibling(node, type); while (node && (node.nodeName == "#coment" || (/^\s*[\]]】]?[,\|]?\s*[\[[【]?\s*$/.test(node.textContent)))) node = getSibling(node, type); return node; } function getSibling(aNode, type) { if (!aNode) return null; if (isOnlyNode(aNode)) { try { aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.parentNode.nextSibling : aNode.parentNode.previousSibling); if (skipNode(aNode)) aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling); aNode = aNode.childNodes[0]; if (skipNode(aNode)) aNode = aNode.nextSibling; } catch (e) {return null;} } else { aNode = (type == 1 ? aNode.nextSibling : aNode.previousSibling); } return aNode; } function isOnlyNode(n) { return !n.nextSibling && !n.previousSibling || !n.nextSibling && skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling || !n.previousSibling && skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling || skipNode(n.previousSibling) && !n.previousSibling.previousSibling && skipNode(n.nextSibling) && !n.nextSibling.nextSibling; } function skipNode(sNode) { return sNode && /*sNode.nodeName == "#text" &&*/ (/^\s*$/.test(sNode.textContent)); } // 检测是否有下一页的纯数字链接,number:页数 function getNextLink(node, number, set) { var tNode = getSiblingNode(node, 1); if (tNode && tNode.nodeName == "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent)) { if (RegExp.$1 == number) { // 找到纯数字链接 if (set) { next.link = tNode; next.found = true; } return tNode; } } return null; } function isDigital(str, t) { str = str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (t == -1) str = str.split(/\s+/).pop(); else if (t == 1) str = str.split(/\s+/)[0]; return (/^(\d+)$/.test(str)) || (/^\[(\d+)\]$/.test(str)) || (/^【(\d+)】$/.test(str)) || (/^[(\d+)]$/.test(str)) || (/^<(\d+)>$/.test(str)) || (/^(\d+),$/.test(str)); //***[自己加的]判断诸如1,2,3,4的数字连接 } // 判断是否是当前页面的数字,type:-1,0,1 分别是要判别的上一个、当前、下一个节点 function isCurrentPageNumber(node, linkNum, type) { var tNode = (type == 0 ? node : getSiblingNode(node, type)); if (tNode && (tNode.nodeName != "A" && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) || tNode.nodeName == "A" && !tNode.hasAttribute("onclick") && (!tNode.href && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type) || !(/\/#[^\/]+$/.test(tNode.href)) && tNode.href == currenturl && isDigital(tNode.textContent, type)))) { var n = linkNum + type; if (n > 0 && RegExp.$1 == n) { if (next.digital) next.digital = null; return tNode; } } // 某些论坛处在第一页时,实际链接和当前页链接不符,只有和其余纯数字链接的结构或颜色不同时, // 才使用纯数字的“2”作为“下一页”的链接。 else if (type == 0 && !next.digital && tNode && tNode.nodeName == "A" && (/^\s*[\[[【]?1[\]]】]?\s*$/.test(tNode.textContent))) { var two = getNextLink(tNode, 2); if (two && difDigital(tNode, two)) next.digital = two; } return null; } function difDigital(node1, node2) { if (getStructure(node1) == getStructure(node2) && getStyleColor(node1) == getStyleColor(node2)) return false; return true; } function getStructure(aNode) { return aNode.innerHTML.replace(/\d+/, ""); } function getStyleColor(aNode) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(aNode, null).getPropertyValue("color"); } function openLink(linkNode) { if (!linkNode) return; if (linkNode.getAttribute("onclick") || (/\/#[^\/]*$/.test(linkNode.href)) && linkNode.href.replace(/\/#[^\/]*$/, "") == currenturl.replace(/\/(?:#[^\/]*|#?)$/, "")) { // 有些4D鼠标摆动一下滚轮会触发多下的方向键,故增设一个延迟参数,使它只翻一页。 delay = true; setTimeout(cleanVars, 300); var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, linkNode); linkNode.dispatchEvent(e); } else if (linkNode.href && linkNode.href != currenturl){ cleanVars(); location.assign(linkNode.href); } } function cleanVars() { try { //预读为否 prefetched = false; readyfornext = false; nextlinks = null; checked = false; delay = false; next.link = next.found = next.digital = null; // next.found = next.digital = null; previous.link = previous.found = previous.digital = null; delete next.pos; delete previous.pos; if (StatusInTitle) { document.title = document.title.replace(/【.*】/,''); } } catch(e) {} } function onKeyDown(event) { // 不是左右方向建被按下或不到延迟时间则退出 if (event.ctrlKey || event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.keyCode != 37 && event.keyCode != 39 || delay) return // 确保光标不是定位在文字输入框或选择框 var localName = event.target.localName.toUpperCase(); if (localName == 'TEXTAREA' || localName == 'INPUT' || localName == 'SELECT') return; // 检查过且没有发现上一页或下一页的连接,则退出 if (checked && !next.found && !previous.found) return; if (!checked) { checkLinks(); checked = true; } if (event.keyCode == 37 && previous.found) { // 左方向键,跳到“上一页” openLink(previous.link) } else if (event.keyCode == 39 && next.found) { // 右方向键,跳到“下一页” if (readyfornext) { var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, next.link); next.link.dispatchEvent(e); } else { openLink(next.link); } } } /* ****************************************************************************************** * 预取下一页部分 ****************************************************************************************** */ //本窗口是否在预取框架内 function checkInIframe(){ var r = false; try{ r = parent.document.getElementById('pfnext_if').src == location; } catch(e){} return r; } // 获取距页面底部最近的元素的top值 function getTopest(xpresult){ var topest=0, tmp; for (var i=0;i<xpresult.snapshotLength;i++){ tmp = getTop(xpresult.snapshotItem(i)); topest = topest > tmp?topest:tmp; } return topest; } //获取元素相对页面顶部的纵坐标 function getTop(e){ var offset = e.offsetTop; if (e.offsetParent != null) offset += getTop(e.offsetParent); return offset; } function onIframeLoaded(event,reg,status,statusTip,borderColor){ var thishref = String(event.target.location); var nexthref = String(next.link.href); if (nexthref.replace(/\/$/, '') == thishref.replace(/\/$/, '')) { if (StatusInTitle) { // 将预取情况显示在标题中。 document.title = document.title.replace(/【.*】/,'【' + status + '】'); } // try { //用颜色框标记出已被预取的链接。如不需要可注释掉下面两行。 // next.link.style.border = 'solid 3px ' + borderColor; // next.link.title = next.link.title.replace(/【.*】/,'') + '【' + statusTip + '】'; // } // catch (e) { // } // 给所有被预取的链接添加事件。点击该连接时将 iframe 中已经预取到的内容直接覆盖 top 页面,达到迅速打开页面的效果。 for (var j = 0; j < nextlinks.snapshotLength; j++) { if(reg){ //是否注册,防止注册多个EventListener nextlinks.snapshotItem(j).addEventListener('click', function(event){ onClick(event) }, false) } if (coloredlink) { try { nextlinks.snapshotItem(j).style.border = 'solid 3px ' + borderColor; nextlinks.snapshotItem(j).title = nextlinks.snapshotItem(j).title.replace(/【.*】/,'') + '【' + statusTip + '】'; } catch (e) { } } } } } //点击事件处理 function onClick(event){ var i_html = document.getElementById('pfnext_if').contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; var html = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if (!html.innerHTML.length || !i_html.innerHTML.length) return; //增加一个新历史记录 if(historyenable) { newhistory = true; var history = new Object; history.url = location.href; history.html = html.innerHTML; historyManage.addCase(history); } html.innerHTML = i_html.innerHTML; currenturl = next.link; //计算实际URL window.scrollTo(0, 0); delete ap; cleanVars(); ap = (iconenable) ? 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(new IconHelper()):''; watch_scroll(); } } newhistory = false; } //处理最后一个网页(用于正确前进) function checkLastPage(){ if(!newhistory&&!lasthistorypushed) { historyManage.pushCase(lasthistory); lasthistorypushed = true; }else if(newhistory){ lasthistory.url = location; lasthistory.html = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].innerHTML; lasthistorypushed = false; } } window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){onKeyDown(e)}, true); //****预读下一页**** window.addEventListener('load', watch_scroll, true); window.addEventListener('scroll', watch_scroll, true); })(); |
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
if (event.keyCode == 37 && previous.found) {
// 左方向键,跳到“上一页” openLink(previous.link) } else if (event.keyCode == 39 && next.found) { // 右方向键,跳到“下一页” if (readyfornext) { var e = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", 1, 1, window, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, next.link); next.link.dispatchEvent(e); } else { openLink(next.link); } 你应该在这里入手 . 具体请高手出马 |
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
继续等高人 |
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
发布于:2011-07-21 18:01
我去看看 |