However, understand that this has nothing to do with how data is transferred over a link. The bandwidth of a serial link is used by routing ...
回复(13) 2006-05-30 20:55 来自版块 - 其它话题
shxy_1主要是However, understand that this has nothing to do with how data is transferred over a link翻译不出来(2006-05-30 20:55)
shxy_1. Telnet can be used to test IP connectivity and to gain access into remote routers. From the router prompt, you do not need to type the t...(2006-05-30 20:55)
CrossBud试着翻译了一下,觉得不理想,虽然都能看懂 但是太专业了 比如link是指连接还是链路?bandwidth是指带宽还是频宽?serial是系列还是串口的? 不懂这些,所以不敢妄译(2006-05-30 20:55)
