I am a middle school student and will enter university this summer.Now I have a problem, I would like to spend about 6000 yuan to buy a comp...
回复(18) 2010-06-16 18:05 来自版块 - 其它话题
ccbbs谢谢,决定买laptop了,日后工作也不用换机 我不玩游戏~~(2010-06-16 18:05)
ccbbs能帮我看一下X201i在香港卖多少吗?(2010-06-16 18:05)
xelnaga主要是有些学校会断电,大一大二打游戏的就算了 大三大四写论文写报告如果赶时间就很麻烦(2010-06-16 18:05)
getghostnotebook吧! 前几年我哥北上到珠海读书,也是抱着一部 DELL 上去。 上年11月时,我到他校园当一天的苦力,把他的东东统统搬回HK, 在校园内看着别人搬显示器,搬机箱....我就盖上本本转身就可以走,多方便。:twisted: 如果不打算抱着本本四处走,基本不...(2010-06-16 18:05)
ccbbsOh, thank you~ Maybe I will choose a laptop.... BTW, 昨天我不能打拼音,今天可以了。。。 ^_^(2010-06-16 18:05)
hzhbestFirst. 【I would like to spend about 6000 yuan to buy a computer】 Next. As soon as you have a budget of 6000 RMB for a computer, you have ...(2010-06-16 18:05)
hitsmaxftLaptop is better , considering it's portability(2010-06-16 18:05)
wolfxavieryou do, have a problem!(2010-06-16 18:05)
