刚才浏览论坛的时候发现有这么一句话:give you some colour see see,感觉挺好玩,那么它的正确英语应该是什么?
回复(16) 2006-10-15 13:41 来自版块 - 其它话题
hnstxx大家伙继续: 01、call in the history the most strong chinese English!!! 02、go and look! 03、No Mao ze dong ,no new china! 04、go a head! 05、...(2006-10-15 13:41)
hnstxx 你那句应该翻译成:咱哥俩谁跟谁 和我那个还是有一点区别的 4、你有种,我要给你点儿颜色瞧瞧,哥儿们,大伙上! <!-- s8) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_cool.gif" al...(2006-10-15 13:41)
fang5566你翻译的真有中国特色 crossbud(2006-10-15 13:41)
CrossBud 1. 咱俩谁跟谁~(和我那句we brother two, who and who一样) 2. 怎么是你? -怎么老是你? 3. 你不鸟我,我也不鸟你 4. 你有种,我要给你点儿颜色瞧瞧。弟兄们,一起上! 后面的继续吧(2006-10-15 13:41)
hnstxx大家也翻译翻译我这个看看^_^ 01.we two who and who? 02.how are you ? how old are you? 03.you don`t bird me,I don`t bird you 04.you have seed ...(2006-10-15 13:41)
desatanbirds' tongue(2006-10-15 13:41)
mfkdmrd9鸟语…(2006-10-15 13:41)
Jacky-Qyou guys too fire star....(2006-10-15 13:41)
wxsfhxbsllong and long time ago,The great Mongolia army invaded many country on the world,and built the stongest Empire !(2006-10-15 13:41)
RyandolI give you face but you don't want face.(2006-10-15 13:41)
