China's anti-satellite test
China's anti-satellite test
A new arms race in space? Jan 25th 2007 From The Economist print edition There are better ways to manage China's space rivalry with America David Simonds IF THERE is to be a new arms race in space, China will be in it. Its belated admission that earlier this month it destroyed one of its own satellites—blowing it to smithereens by slamming a ballistic missile into it over 500 miles (800km) up in space—is China's way of saying that it will cede control of space to no one. The feat itself was not particularly impressive: both the United States and the then Soviet Union carried out similar space tests more than 20 years ago. But shooting down its own satellite shows that China could now blast someone else's out of the sky, too (see article). Putting its marker in the heavens in this way reflects badly on China as a terrestrial power. Yet its poor space etiquette could be turned to advantage. Satellites are as vulnerable as they are valuable. America and Russia stopped such anti-satellite tests because both stood to lose: each side's eyes-in-the-skies monitored the other's nuclear weapons, helping to avoid awful mishap. These days satellites are used far more widely for communications, terrestrial navigation, crop monitoring and much more. With its provocative test, China has thumbed its nose at the many satellite-dependent countries. As a purely practical matter, there are better ways of dealing with redundant satellites. China's way ensures that those smithereens—thousands of bits of debris, large and small—will orbit like bullets in space for years (another reason the Americans and Russians desisted). They may damage other satellites and put space-farers at risk. What irony if China, which takes pride in its own recent manned space flights, were to find its ambitions to put a man on the moon and eventually to build a space station set back someday by the still ricocheting rubble from its own irresponsible action. China evidently calculates that all this is worth it. Its space blast was really aimed at rival America. Satellites not only add to America's already far superior conventional fighting power. These and other space-based sensors also aid the Bush administration's nascent missile-defence plans. If push ever came to shove over Taiwan, China worries that regional defences might help protect the island from the threat of around 900 missiles now pointed at it from the mainland. Meanwhile longer-range defences could blunt the deterrent value of China's rockets (few, but growing in number and being modernised) aimed at America itself. For years China has blocked discussion of other issues at the United Nations Conference on Disarmament because America has refused to negotiate a new treaty banning the “weaponisation” of space; the 1967 Outer Space Treaty prohibits only the placing of weapons of mass destruction in space, though with strictures against harmful contamination of space, too. The Bush team counters that there is no arms race in space (officials deny plans to place weapons there), and therefore no need for a new treaty. Both sides are being disingenuous. China's occasional musings about whether defending Taiwan would be worth losing Los Angeles help (along with the antics of North Korea and Iran) to bolster support—and not just in America—for the missile defences that it wants a space treaty to constrain. Yet America's secretive space plans worry even some of its friends, too. China's anti-satellite test makes a race to weaponise space more likely. Contacts between American and Chinese space scientists, broken off some years ago after accusations of Chinese spying and only recently tentatively resumed, are likely to shrivel once more. That is a pity, since co-operation can mitigate the suspicions that go with competition. A better way upward An arms race in space would leave everyone, including its “winner”, worse off. Likewise, insisting on a treaty or nothing, with interminable debates over the legal definition of what is a space weapon—just something that can be fired or also the sophisticated bits and pieces that help find and track targets too?—won't stop the emerging space competition turning ugly. Better to try something more modest: a code of responsible conduct between existing space powers that emerging ones could also sign up to. Such a code proposed by the Washington-based Stimson Centre, a think-tank, working with a group of non-government experts from China, Russia, Canada, France and Japan, would rule out interfering with other nations' space systems, including using lasers to harm satellites (another trick several, including China, have practised), and avoid activities that create long-lasting space debris. It would also provide advance notice of space manoeuvres that might get in others' way. America is still more powerful in space. China has shown what damage it can do. Their competition won't end there. But there are surely better ways to manage it. |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
不过,看过一个分析,据说是因为怕台湾这两年趁着北京开奥运会,国际影响很大的情况下,贸然“改变现状,越走越远”,所以先炫耀一下武力,给那些意图介入的国家一点提醒。众所周知,那些个国家离开了卫星,基本上就等于聋哑人了... |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
用户被禁言,该主题自动屏蔽! |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
man++:。。。。。 确实,一般的American Film都是日常用语,难得提高什么。 要看也要找比较经典对话剧本的片子看,看一遍,对一遍字幕,再认真研究一遍,再学一遍。纸上谈兵,重在实践。 提高阅读速度的技巧,就在于略读技巧,读重点句,掌握每一部分的大意和思路的结构。同时,可以借助划辅助线等记号来帮助自己集中重点。积累大量快速阅读经验后效果会很明显。 我这都是在新东方砸了不少钱砸来的一点点收获(新东方的课程,记住,只有国外培训部的课是值得上的,尽管钱也是最多的),无私奉献了。 |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
fuck shit mother fucker..... kick your ass 一类的东西。 都他妈的是俚语,真怀疑美国人天天就说这些蠢话。 |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
其实也可以理解,现实中也有人把脏话当口头禅的,我觉得洋人也不会例外 |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28
但是fucker的含义还是不够深入 很想弄清楚 毕竟很经常在美片听到,而我们最突出还只是TMD |
发布于:2007-02-01 23:28